
leveling up the ledger on gender.

equidi is a revolutionary platform that puts gender equity on the agenda. Real-time pay-gap visibility and workforce representation, across every part of your business on a single dashboard.

equidi's bespoke recommendations will empower you to set goals, track progress and lift your performance — every day.

see the change. be the change.
do good business. even. better.

Start your 30 day free trial


because better representation’s
not just a matter of quotas.
it’s a matter of margins.

A new kind of balance sheet. Profits and losses. It’s what businesses live, thrive and die by. What if we told you that companies with diverse teams are 33% more likely to outperform on profitability? equidi’s here to help you level up the ledger on gender.

World First Tool

because the company you keep. is the company you become.

76% of job seekers look for a diverse workforce. So stand out to a more socially conscious generation. And get onboard with equidi to attract, retain and cultivate a thriving team.

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a mission that wins on margins.

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